Monday, December 12, 2011

Youth Pioneer Trek

Our church youth participated in a 3 day Pioneer Trek reenactment this summer to get an idea what the pioneers had to endure as they walked across the continent with their families; many of them pulling/pushing handcarts.  It was my privilege and a blessing that I could join them as a photographer to help chronicle their journey.  Due to our grandson's funeral/burial, I only accompanied the youth the first day.

During that one day I gained such an appreciation for some of the trials the pioneers experienced.  Just one day compared to months for them.  I am grateful for the day and time in which I live.  I am so very blessed and I hope to always be aware of and express gratitude to Heavenly Father for my blessings.

 Listening to instructions and council for the trek they are embarking upon.
 Yes, we all dressed in pioneer garb.

 Heading to the trek trail.

 They were split up into families.  If I remember correctly, there were about 11-12 people per family per handcart and about 18 handcarts.

 I gained an appreciation for the bonnets worn by the pioneer women.  It offered much protection from the sun . . . and came in handy for taking photographs.

Waiting their turn to depart

 If we could see through the heat and humidity, beauty surrounded us.

 Almost every time I photographed this group, this young man looked at me and smiled.  So much for staying low profile and getting candid shots.

 I gained an understanding of knee deep in mud.  This wasn't quite that bad, but kids kept losing their footwear.

 Much learning took place

 Obstacles were tree limbs, uphills, downhills, poison ivy; and the relentless heat/humidity.

 A jewel in the foliage.

 We took an extended break to allow our bodies to cool down somewhat.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome. Simply awesome. Our kids have gone twice--well, different kids, but Craig went both times.
    These may be the times that try men's souls, but these kids will have an understanding of whom to call on when they need to.
